HomeLegfrissebb hírekThe main candidates for the presidential election are going to Iași today...

The main candidates for the presidential election are going to Iași today for the celebration of Saint Parascheva. Ciolacu and Ciucă are among those present.

Several candidates in this year’s presidential elections will attend the Holy Liturgy at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași on Monday, October 14, where the feast of Saint Parascheva is being celebrated.Among them are PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu and PNL leader Nicolae Ciucă..

Nicolae Ciucă is scheduled to attend the Holy Liturgy and the Feast of Saint Cuvioasa Parascheva at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași at 09:30, according to the official program reported by News.ro.

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu will also be present at the service at the same time, as announced officially by the Government and PSD.

Additionally, independent candidate Mircea Geoană has announced his intention to participate in the Holy Liturgy held for the feast of Saint Cuvioasa Parascheva.

On the same day, Elena Lasconi (USR), Ludovic Orban (Forța Dreptei), and Cristian Diaconescu (independent) will also be present at the service at the Metropolitan Cathedral.

The attendance of AUR leader George Simion in Iași is not confirmed, but sources from the local branch cited by News.ro indicated that there is a chance he may still arrive in the city.

Tens of Thousands of Pilgrims Arriving in Iași for the Relics of Saint Cuvioasa Parascheva

The Holy Liturgy is scheduled for Monday morning on a stage set up on Ştefan cel Mare și Sfânt pedestrian street, in front of the altar of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași.

Authorities expect that several thousand people will attend this service.

In the central area of Iași, several screens will be installed for people to follow the service from the Metropolitan Cathedral.

According to the gendarmerie, by Sunday afternoon, approximately 160,000 people had visited the reliquary of Saint Cuvioasa Parascheva and that of Saint Pantelimon, which are housed under a canopy in the courtyard of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași.

Moreover, on Sunday at 14:30, there were over 50,000 faithful in line, with a waiting time of 20 hours.The queue extended over six kilometers, leading to the closure of several streets in the central area of the city.

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